Local Boutique Apartment Living

Working with the GWH, Hunter Windows provided windows, framing and doors for this wonderful 15 apartment build.

  • Client

    Department of Primary Industries

  • Sector


  • Location

    Oyster Cove, Tea Gardens

  • Products

    3300 tonnes of Gabion Rock


After nearly 150 years of oyster habitat loss causing declines in fish number and water quality, Sydney Rock Oyster reef restoration Project aimed to re-establish oyster habitat throughout NSW estuaries. Hunter Quarries brief was to supply 3,300 tonnes of Gabion Rock to Tea Gardens Oyster Cove.

Port Stephens was selected to trial the use of 3,300 tonnes of rock and nearly 200 cubic metres of recycled oyster shell to re-establish oysters in the area. These were placed along the estuary flat and have helped establish new oyster colonies with initial monitoring detecting oyster settlement along the new reefs.

Supply of this product will enable the re-establishment of oysters’ natural habitat. The flow-on effect of the establishment will benefit local tourism, recreational and commercial fishers, aquaculture, and water users.

Video produced by NSW DPI – Dept. of Primary Industries

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Our Projects

commercial framing newcastle hunter

Highpoint Apartments Charlestown

The recently finished Highpoint apartment building in Charlestown is a wonderful addition to the local skyline. The view out from over 800 windows is truly amazing.
